Il est quasiment impossible de plaire aux hommes...
Mon Amerloque est propriétaire d'une tondeuse électrique, d'une souffleuse électrique et d'une cafetière à expresso électrique.
L'autre jour, il m'a dit : "Il y a trop de bébelles ici et pas d'endroit pour s'asseoir!"
Je me suis donc empressée d'aller lui acheter une chaise électrique...
Dancing Lunatic
mardi 12 juillet 2011
samedi 9 juillet 2011
Histoire sans paroles... ou presque...
Un défilement de photos qui commence par la pureté d'une rose et l'innocence d'un lis orangé, en passant par un écureuil enjoué et des félins contrariés, et qui se termine par une chienne totalement indifférente. Ça change un peu des histoires de danse... ;)
Bon visionnement!
Bon visionnement!
jeudi 7 juillet 2011
Nous avons fait les manchettes!
Bien entendu, il ne s'agit que du journal de la région, mais enfin...
Désolée si l'article est écrit dans l'autre langue, mais je n'y peux rien, puisque je nage dans une mer anglophone...
Bonne lecture, mes belles âmes virtuelles qui me manquent tant!
jeudi 23 juin 2011
Ah nostalgie, quand tu nous tiens! - Suite du billet d'hier...
Comme je suis exilée en Ontario et que la terre québécoise me manque plus que je ne pourrais jamais l'exprimer, je voulais partager avec vous ces vidéos qui évoquent tant de souvenirs. En hommage à tous nos talents québécois encore parmi nous ou dans une autre sphère...
Bon visionnement - Bonne fête - Célébrez en grande pompe!
Bon visionnement - Bonne fête - Célébrez en grande pompe!
Deux de nos grands disparus...
À la mémoire de Pauline et de Claude.... Un clip merveilleux pour célébrer la Saint-Jean et pour nous rappeler à quel point notre langue est belle et notre musique, ensorcelante... Pour mes amis québécois à travers le monde entier.
Il faut célébrer la mémoire de nos grands disparus et les remercier du fond du coeur pour tout ce qu'ils nous ont légué : notre fierté, notre droit d'indépendance, notre culture et notre joie de vivre.
Québécoise dans ma tête, dans mon coeur et dans mon âme, je le serai toujours et rien ni personne ne parviendra à m'enlever cet héritage sans lequel je ne pourrais vivre.
Bonne Saint-Jean! ♥
Il faut célébrer la mémoire de nos grands disparus et les remercier du fond du coeur pour tout ce qu'ils nous ont légué : notre fierté, notre droit d'indépendance, notre culture et notre joie de vivre.
Québécoise dans ma tête, dans mon coeur et dans mon âme, je le serai toujours et rien ni personne ne parviendra à m'enlever cet héritage sans lequel je ne pourrais vivre.
Bonne Saint-Jean! ♥
mardi 21 juin 2011
Nos nouvelles les plus récentes...
Ouf, mes amis, il s'en passe des choses!...
Dans un premier temps, l'équipe compétitrice de Ballroom Health s'est présentée sur scène le dimanche 12 juin dernier à titre d'invitée dans le cadre d'un spectacle donné par nul autre qu'Everett Smith (voir mon billet du 24 août 2009, si vous ne le connaissez pas), au Living Arts Centre, un théâtre bien connu de Mississauga. Nous y avons présenté notre "Quick-Horse", danse qui s'est méritée les plus grands éloges au cours de la compétition du 14 mai dernier, et avons même eu droit à une ovation-debout! D'ailleurs, j'attends toujours les vidéos de ces deux événements et dès qu'ils seront prêtes, je les afficherai avec fierté et le plus grand plaisir!
Tout ça pour dire qu'on ne sait jamais ce qui nous pend au bout du nez... Jamais je n'aurais cru que mon Amerloque et moi lancerions une petite compagnie de danse et encore moins, que nous participerions à des compétitions et danserions sur scène sans salir le fonds de nos bobettes... :-0 Il s'agit vraiment de la génétique à l'envers, où papa et maman suivent les traces de leur Fifille adorée!... ;)
Voici une photo prise après ce fameux spectacle que nous n'oublierons pas de sitôt.
En parlant de Fifille, elle se porte à merveille, se fait connaître un peu partout dans son domaine et vient tout juste de se procurer une rutilante Fiesta 2011! Elle en est tellement heureuse qu'elle flotte sur ses propres petits nuages, tout comme ses parents d'ailleurs! Une vraie famille "flottante", ces derniers temps!
Par ailleurs, Fifille s'est transformée en rousse pour l'été! ;)
Et enfin, voici une photo de l'équipe conpétitrice sur les marches de notre nouveau studio, tenant les 4 trophées que nous avons remportés le 14 mai dernier.
Je vous reviendrai plus tard, mes belles âmes virtuelles! Avec tout ce qui se passe dans ma petite vie, je suis ici moins fréquemment, mais je vous aime toujours autant et vous me manquez tous terriblement!
Je vous embrasse TRÈS FORT et vous aime GROS! À très bientôt!
Dans un premier temps, l'équipe compétitrice de Ballroom Health s'est présentée sur scène le dimanche 12 juin dernier à titre d'invitée dans le cadre d'un spectacle donné par nul autre qu'Everett Smith (voir mon billet du 24 août 2009, si vous ne le connaissez pas), au Living Arts Centre, un théâtre bien connu de Mississauga. Nous y avons présenté notre "Quick-Horse", danse qui s'est méritée les plus grands éloges au cours de la compétition du 14 mai dernier, et avons même eu droit à une ovation-debout! D'ailleurs, j'attends toujours les vidéos de ces deux événements et dès qu'ils seront prêtes, je les afficherai avec fierté et le plus grand plaisir!
Tout ça pour dire qu'on ne sait jamais ce qui nous pend au bout du nez... Jamais je n'aurais cru que mon Amerloque et moi lancerions une petite compagnie de danse et encore moins, que nous participerions à des compétitions et danserions sur scène sans salir le fonds de nos bobettes... :-0 Il s'agit vraiment de la génétique à l'envers, où papa et maman suivent les traces de leur Fifille adorée!... ;)
Voici une photo prise après ce fameux spectacle que nous n'oublierons pas de sitôt.
L'équipe compétitrice de Ballroom Health
De gauche à droite (debout): Christabelle, Laura, Wendy, Clara, Lorraine,
Sylvia et Carol
De gauche à droite (assis): Tom (mon Amerloque),
l'illustre Everett Smith et moi
l'illustre Everett Smith et moi
En parlant de Fifille, elle se porte à merveille, se fait connaître un peu partout dans son domaine et vient tout juste de se procurer une rutilante Fiesta 2011! Elle en est tellement heureuse qu'elle flotte sur ses propres petits nuages, tout comme ses parents d'ailleurs! Une vraie famille "flottante", ces derniers temps!
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Fifille et "Blyxen", le nom qu'elle a donné à sa Fiesta |
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Elles s'harmonisent à merveille, pas vrai? |
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Un beau petit rouge-bonbon |
Coucounne en rousse :)
Avec notre "Bébé-Jazz" -
Un contraste amusant entre le gris du chat et le roux de Fifille... ;)
Un contraste amusant entre le gris du chat et le roux de Fifille... ;)
Et enfin, voici une photo de l'équipe conpétitrice sur les marches de notre nouveau studio, tenant les 4 trophées que nous avons remportés le 14 mai dernier.
Comme le dit si bien notre slogan, we "Live To Dance" !
Je vous reviendrai plus tard, mes belles âmes virtuelles! Avec tout ce qui se passe dans ma petite vie, je suis ici moins fréquemment, mais je vous aime toujours autant et vous me manquez tous terriblement!
Je vous embrasse TRÈS FORT et vous aime GROS! À très bientôt!
mardi 17 mai 2011
A tribute to “OUR” Girls
Since the creation on my blog back in February of 2007, I have never written an entire post in English, but on this very special occasion, I must and I will to honour “OUR” Girls, the Competitive and Showcase Team of Ballrooom Health.
There are seven of them. Seven beautiful and lovely dancing ladies that inspire Hubby and I by sharing our passion and making our dreams come true. Without their hard work, their remarkable dedication, their outstanding efforts and their very clever input, Ballroom Health would be just another humdrum studio like any other. They are all amazing troopers that sometimes dance through their aching knees, feet, hips, shoulders and necks. They dance as if there is no tomorrow, and put all their heart and soul in every step they take.
Last Saturday, this incredible team competed in the 2011 Spring Dance Sport Challenge held at The Winona Vines Estates, in Stoney Creek, Ontario, and performed four challenging numbers. Two of them, a Rumba and a Mambo choreographed by other studios, took Gold and Bronze Awards in the Line Dance Category. The other two dances, Dol-Cha Vita and Quick Horse, two dances choreographed by Hubby, myself and “OUR” Girls with their invaluable input, took Silver and a Bronze Awards in the Canadian National Group Routine Championship Division. They made us so proud that it is almost impossible to express our feelings with mere, simple words.
In order to win such wonderful awards and bring home 4 trophies, the team had to rehearse constantly. They always showed up snow, rain or shine, no matter if they had had a rough day or a good one. We had rehearsals on week nights, on week-ends (afternoons and/or evenings) and even on Mother’s Day. Some of them lasted 90 minutes and others, more than 2 hours. They never complained, always smiled and brightened the studio with their sparkling personalities. They have become the best of friends and created bonds that only a team that believes in each other can understand. They have also become the very best team of dancers, friends and sisters any teacher could ever dream to have.
Our Team is also blessed to have its own Mother, a wonderful, warm, kind and witty dancer named Rita. She is most probably the “Lovely Rita” who inspired The Beatles to write their famous song. “OUR” Lovely Rita has been taking Dancing Lessons with us in our Basic Classes and is the Team’s Number One Fan. She watches some of our rehearsals, comes dancing with us at the West-Way Ballroom Dancing Club in Toronto and was very present to cheer us on at the two competitions in which we took part (May 2010 and May 2011). We have just learned that she has won a Bronze award for Line Dancing and were stunned when she told us she was 67 years old at the time. Rita will celebrate her 80th Birthday on July 18th and dances as if she was a teenager! A truly remarkable woman whom we love with all our heart.
Last night, “OUR” Girls showed up at the studio for their regular classes and we all started babbling about last Saturday when suddenly, Hubby and I were told no one would be dancing, to pack-up our sound equipment, remove our dancing shoes and follow them. Wondering what on Earth was going on, we did what we were told and were taken to a lovely restaurant where they treated us to scrumptious food and savory wine, and where peels of laughter and tears of joy were shared between all of us. And as if that wasn’t enough, they offered us a superb bouquet of flowers and a beautiful bottle of wine. The card on the bouquet said “Rosemarie and Tom, Thank you so much! Love, Your Girls”. Another beautiful card is adorned with cute mini hot-air lovely balloons with little Thank You boxes on the front of it, and on which “OUR Lovely Rita” and “OUR” Girls wrote their names. The inside of the card is loaded with warm and delightful sentiments. Needless to say I cried and Hubby tried not to…
Since this wonderful surprise was kept very secret, Hubby and I did not have a camera. Therefore, we took a picture of these wondrous gifts when we got home which I will share with you, faithful readers, along with our Dress Rehearsal Videos and other shots taken at the competition.
We are still waiting for the videos shot by professionals at the actual competition and as soon as I receive them, I will post them on my blog so that you can feel the thrill of the crowd and see with your own eyes why “OUR” Girls are so very precious to us.
Thank you for being you, Ladies. Thank you for giving us a purpose. Thank you for sharing this dancing adventure with us and for being our second family. We absolutely love you with every fiber we have.
The Team and Lovely Rita at the Competition after winning the first 2 Awards:
Standing - From Left To Right: Tom (Hubby), our Lovely Rita (who is actually Carol's Mum who is sitting right below her), our Christabelle, our Laura and me.
Sitting - From Left To Right: our Sylvia, our Carol, our Wendy, our Lorraine and our Clara.
These videos were shot at the studio during Dress Rehearsal on Friday, May 13, 2011. They are self-explanatory and state which award was won. We hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoyed dancing them!
The Trophies OUR Girls brought home!
The lovely gifts "Our" Girls and "Our" Lovely Rita gave us last night!
There are seven of them. Seven beautiful and lovely dancing ladies that inspire Hubby and I by sharing our passion and making our dreams come true. Without their hard work, their remarkable dedication, their outstanding efforts and their very clever input, Ballroom Health would be just another humdrum studio like any other. They are all amazing troopers that sometimes dance through their aching knees, feet, hips, shoulders and necks. They dance as if there is no tomorrow, and put all their heart and soul in every step they take.
Last Saturday, this incredible team competed in the 2011 Spring Dance Sport Challenge held at The Winona Vines Estates, in Stoney Creek, Ontario, and performed four challenging numbers. Two of them, a Rumba and a Mambo choreographed by other studios, took Gold and Bronze Awards in the Line Dance Category. The other two dances, Dol-Cha Vita and Quick Horse, two dances choreographed by Hubby, myself and “OUR” Girls with their invaluable input, took Silver and a Bronze Awards in the Canadian National Group Routine Championship Division. They made us so proud that it is almost impossible to express our feelings with mere, simple words.
In order to win such wonderful awards and bring home 4 trophies, the team had to rehearse constantly. They always showed up snow, rain or shine, no matter if they had had a rough day or a good one. We had rehearsals on week nights, on week-ends (afternoons and/or evenings) and even on Mother’s Day. Some of them lasted 90 minutes and others, more than 2 hours. They never complained, always smiled and brightened the studio with their sparkling personalities. They have become the best of friends and created bonds that only a team that believes in each other can understand. They have also become the very best team of dancers, friends and sisters any teacher could ever dream to have.
Our Team is also blessed to have its own Mother, a wonderful, warm, kind and witty dancer named Rita. She is most probably the “Lovely Rita” who inspired The Beatles to write their famous song. “OUR” Lovely Rita has been taking Dancing Lessons with us in our Basic Classes and is the Team’s Number One Fan. She watches some of our rehearsals, comes dancing with us at the West-Way Ballroom Dancing Club in Toronto and was very present to cheer us on at the two competitions in which we took part (May 2010 and May 2011). We have just learned that she has won a Bronze award for Line Dancing and were stunned when she told us she was 67 years old at the time. Rita will celebrate her 80th Birthday on July 18th and dances as if she was a teenager! A truly remarkable woman whom we love with all our heart.
Last night, “OUR” Girls showed up at the studio for their regular classes and we all started babbling about last Saturday when suddenly, Hubby and I were told no one would be dancing, to pack-up our sound equipment, remove our dancing shoes and follow them. Wondering what on Earth was going on, we did what we were told and were taken to a lovely restaurant where they treated us to scrumptious food and savory wine, and where peels of laughter and tears of joy were shared between all of us. And as if that wasn’t enough, they offered us a superb bouquet of flowers and a beautiful bottle of wine. The card on the bouquet said “Rosemarie and Tom, Thank you so much! Love, Your Girls”. Another beautiful card is adorned with cute mini hot-air lovely balloons with little Thank You boxes on the front of it, and on which “OUR Lovely Rita” and “OUR” Girls wrote their names. The inside of the card is loaded with warm and delightful sentiments. Needless to say I cried and Hubby tried not to…
Since this wonderful surprise was kept very secret, Hubby and I did not have a camera. Therefore, we took a picture of these wondrous gifts when we got home which I will share with you, faithful readers, along with our Dress Rehearsal Videos and other shots taken at the competition.
We are still waiting for the videos shot by professionals at the actual competition and as soon as I receive them, I will post them on my blog so that you can feel the thrill of the crowd and see with your own eyes why “OUR” Girls are so very precious to us.
Thank you for being you, Ladies. Thank you for giving us a purpose. Thank you for sharing this dancing adventure with us and for being our second family. We absolutely love you with every fiber we have.
The Team and Lovely Rita at the Competition after winning the first 2 Awards:
Standing - From Left To Right: Tom (Hubby), our Lovely Rita (who is actually Carol's Mum who is sitting right below her), our Christabelle, our Laura and me.
Sitting - From Left To Right: our Sylvia, our Carol, our Wendy, our Lorraine and our Clara.
These videos were shot at the studio during Dress Rehearsal on Friday, May 13, 2011. They are self-explanatory and state which award was won. We hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoyed dancing them!
The Trophies OUR Girls brought home!
The lovely gifts "Our" Girls and "Our" Lovely Rita gave us last night!
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